17 Jun Children’s Television
I answer more questions from troubled young viewers. This is probably the worst sweater I ever wore - I still have it....
I answer more questions from troubled young viewers. This is probably the worst sweater I ever wore - I still have it....
In this clip I offer advice to combat a terrible case of teenage bad-breath. In the early shows we had to stick to the basics....
Here I am called upon to judge various mid-80s pop videos. As a classical music nut I had no idea what I was talking about. Sadly YouTube have chosen to block this video in the UK due to the music based content but I have...
Here our program for younger viewers begins to grow into maturity, tackling the most serious issues in some cases....
We tackled some very difficult and often quite heavy subject matter, earning a name for ourselves as truly groundbreaking young people's television....
Here we look at issues such as divorce and bereavement. On this particular show there was nothing we couldn't cover....
Large Canadian comedian Mike McShane, reveals the secret truth; that he and I are long lost twins, proven by a tattoo we both share on our bald spots. I had absolutely no idea it was about to happen....
This time we discuss extreme blushing and how to deal with feelings of overwhelming embarrassment....
This is an excerpt from one of my training videos attempting to show how to handle the fallout from breaking bad news in the workplace. The scenes were unedited, unscripted roleplays - and I was not allowed to know in advance how the interviewees had...
Linda in London tells me about the different kinds of abuse she has suffered at the hands of her father and how it has affected her subsequent relationships....