Why do some people risk their lives for others? It's all in the brain "UNDERGROUND hero" was the big headline this week, with the story of the firefighter Angus Campbell, who challenged an alleged Tube bomber to protect his fellow passengers. He showed unflinching altruism, risking all...

Take our quiz and determine whether or not your stress levels are approaching criticalBy Phillip Hodson Published in The Times February 9th 2008 All organisms need to alternate between tension and relaxation if they are to survive and thrive. However, when it builds up, a healthy level...

Commissioned by The Times This year my partner and I will celebrate 30 years of living in sin. In fact we've been happily unmarried for so long that I am thinking of applying for heritage status with the Office of National Statistics. According to official figures...

Linda in London tells me about the different kinds of abuse she has suffered at the hands of her father and how it has affected her subsequent relationships....

A young married woman called Joyce complains that her husband is demanding sexual intercourse and when she doesn’t instantly comply he sulks or gets angry....

A best friend is confided in by a couple experiencing relationship troubles but tells me she has fallen into the arms of the husband. How to handle her triangle?...

In his understandable nervousness to get help, college student Stephen imagines my name is Michael - but his underlying problem is his erectile disorder with a new lover…...