17 Jun Tough Interviews
Management Trainer: Since 1985, I’ve been called in by companies, doctors and educational institutes to help teach the value of counselling technique in team-building and staff and patient management. My award-winning videos have been the focus of hundreds of seminars helping staff feel more comfortable with the confrontations and emotional conflicts of everyday working life. I have regularly lectured to MBA students at Cranfield University.
A tough interview takes place whenever an employee has to be given information which is potentially unpleasant or unwelcome to them. In a phrase, you are breaking bad news. The dilemmas which give rise to these interviews are fairly obvious – redundancy, poor performance, disciplining, dismissal. But the techniques required to carry them out successfully are elusive and far from obvious. When launching this video to MPs in the House of Commons, I said: “I’ve been fired several times – but never properly”.
This video, using unscripted, dramatic roleplays in the Melrose Masterclass series shows you exactly how to cope with the emotions and decisions involved. Most of us would wish to avoid these encounters but the truth is we cannot – or must not.
Available fromVideo Arts Elsinore House 77 Fulham Palace Road Hammersmith London W6 8JA (Office opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00) info@videoarts.co.uk +44 (0)20 7400 4800
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