17 Jun Dealing With Difficult People
Management Trainer: Since 1985, I’ve been called in by companies, doctors and educational institutes to help teach the value of counselling technique in team-building and staff and patient management. My award-winning videos have been the focus of hundreds of seminars helping staff feel more comfortable with the confrontations and emotional conflicts of everyday working life. I have regularly lectured to MBA students at Cranfield University.
There’s no failsafe way to deal with difficult behaviour, but this video offers a four-stage approach that can be used in many different situations. It’s also a versatile resource to help people explore their own views and techniques relating to this tricky subject. The video shows how I deal with three different kinds of difficult people. None of the participants (including me) work from scripts. This makes the communication real and ‘rough’ around the edges – and it makes for compelling viewing.
The trainer’s guide provides ready-made activities to help structure a discussion. Involve your participants in practical roleplays. Learning includes: how to confront rather than appease difficult people; how to develop my four stage approach (‘analyse, assess, assert, assent’) and how to understand and deploy some basic counselling techniques.
Available from Fenman Training, Fenman Ltd Unit 2 e-space North 181 Wisbech Road Littleport Cambridgeshire CB6 1RA UK Phone: +44 (0)1353 865350 Fax: +44 (0)1353 865351 service@fenman.co.uk
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